When I live by the beliefs in this video then I can fly. Actually I am making big leaps of faith and that's the first step to flight.
Will Smith on Success in Life
Join us on eBrainz in making those first leaps of faith.The only thing that will stop you is 'being realistic'.
When I first thought about the possibilities of eBrainz I was blown away by the possibilities. Then I was overwhelmed by fear and hesitated. I had to work hard to get back to that first flush of possibility. Yet if I had trusted my initial instincts we would be 18 months down the track with hundreds of courses and participants.
Part of the process of following a dream or a passion is believing so hard in something that the possibility of failure just doesn't come into the picture. Once you have let fear in, you face this constant process of bandaiding over the fear, stitching the idea back together, healing it. Even at this stage of progress, knowing what has to be done to reach raging success, I still feel the scar of fear.
How easily fear of failure, of being disapproved of, can slow forward motion. When movies like these come along I can again shout "YES!" Thanks Will for a timely reminder. I hope this reminder will also speed you forward in your endeavours. - Heather
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